Monday 20 May 2013

Another long break...

Its been a long while since I posted anything here. Its a sign of how busy I've been, and how (until recently) Facebook was a more convenient way of keeping people up to date with what I've been up to. Thanks to the more mercenary way in which Facebook is being run, this is no longer the case! Stimulation if any was needed to both keep the B&W blog a bit more up to date - and to get on with the long promised commercial website I've been promising myself.

If you take yourselves over to the finished works section, you can see a draft picture of the latest piece 'Petalura', which is going to be part of the exhibition I'm running with Gina Dunford in Bath this August (details tomorrow). There are a number of other works in the offing - including this draft picture:

There's plenty changed on this cast iron piece since this photo was taken - the base has been proofed with a weather-proof black paint and the base will soon be mounted on a level plinth and the recess filled with water. I've done some tests and the effect is pretty damn good. More photos to follow...

Here's another light-hearted casting for Entomos too -

 Come 'like' my Facebook page at in the meantime for some recent news and images - but as I said at the beginning of this post, maybe not forever!!