Saturday 19 February 2011

Exhibition over...

Wow - that was a surprisingly busy few weeks!

 A big thanks to all of you who came along - and especially to those who bought things and for the many kind words of support and interest. Big thanks to Gordon, Matthew and Stany for the extra fantastic images which now adorn the Exhibition and Finished Works sections on the home page.

Now I've got to crack on with stuff to do over in the states, the wee exhibition down the hive for March and the exhibition Gina and I are planning for the Walcott Street Chapel in Bath. (Gulp!)

Sunday 13 February 2011

Loads to tell...

Well, another unforgivable gap in the B&W blog - but I come loaded with excuses, as it's been a somewhat busy period. I shall try and keep the whole thing pared down, as there's much to tell!

1. The exhibition of my stuff down at Artsite has gone really well. Five pieces (small ones) sold - and the promise of a few commissions which is exciting. I'll do more of a breakdown of that later.
2. Lots of press and media - coverage in both local newspapers/mags, and interview with local radio and coverage on the regional bbc online section. This is all really good stuff for establishing a credible artists CV. It's a shame but  also the reality that there are plenty of people who don't simply buy things 'sold as seen'. The back story of the artists and the snob value of an established past counts for as much (if not more) than the simple aspect of whether or not they like the piece. Well, not having studied art at degree level, it makes having a name and recognised reputation all the more important: (go have a looksee - )

Sitting in the gallery has been an interesting experience. Including the private view, I reckon I should have had around 500 people through the doors by the end of the fortnight. Given Artsite's slightly hidden location and maybe less than welcoming exterior, I don't think that's too bad. Certainly I've had plenty of positive feedback from visitors - not to mention a few swapped tips from casting enthusiasts and old pattern makers. Swindon had a large number of foundrymen working in the GWR railway works, so that side of things shouldn't have come as a surprise! Lovely and interested people make enduring the cold sat on reception rewarding. The trouble is with Swindon that interesting/art interested people are a little thin on the ground 10.00am to 4.00pm during the week. I'm going to try and encourage the mangement team there to open in the evenings and weekends instead. That'll make invigivilating easier to organise, as well as hopefully picking up potential visitors who are looking for something to do of an evening (catching the people going to and from the Wyvern too.)

Andy and Bill at Artsite have been brilliant keeping me company and helping man the desk on my college days - and it's also given us an opportunity to talk through some ideas to help PR Artsite a little more. Watch this space!

The exhibition finishes this coming Friday - next things to consider are ideas for my forthcoming trip to the States (erecting a large sculpture over at Gerry Masses Sculpture Trails in July), putting up another exhibition at the Beehive for March (thinking of casting up a load of simple ally scratchblocks for that one) - PLUS staring work on a load of insect inspired pieces for a week's exhibition in the Walcott Chappel in Bath with Gina Dunsford. It promises to be a VERY busy summer...

OK - I'm going to go off now to start posting up a whole load of images to the Finished Works and Exhibitions sections.

Bye for now - Tobes