Monday 2 July 2012

Pitt Rivers film

Not sure if I remembered to post this before - here's a film of the work at the Bullpen in relation to the exhibition of cast iron work that featured there:

(this isn;t a direct link as yet, but will hopefully be added to Youtube in the next few weeks)

Monday 25 June 2012

Here's a short film (with me in it somewhere - blink and you'll miss me!) from my good friends Wes and Helen from The Bullpen.

Thursday 21 June 2012

As mentioned below - a new exhibition coming up soon at the same venue in Bath with a different mix of art and artists - with your's truly in the sculptural vanguard.

Within Without You - Exhibition in Bath

Within Without You
Top Floor
The Pet Store

“Turning an empty space into the most dynamic art show in town”
25th May – 10th June 10am-6pm
Don’t miss this opportunity to visit the 1st WWY show

New Art by 16 Artists from Russia / Germany/ Sweden/Spain and Uk
Curated by Brian Robert Gibson
Contact -

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Exhibition in Bath

I've just recently had a selection of work exhibited as part of the Bath Fringe at the Old Pet Store as part of the 'Within Without You' collective. The exhibition sought to promote the works of marginalised artists and those who have experienced issues with mental health, depression etc. Speaking to organiser and old friend Brian Gibson, it appears the show has been a roaring success - so much so, that the curators of the next exhibition to appear in the space have offered him the top floor of the building for a further six weeks - and I have been invited to participate once again. Watch this space for more details.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Cheerio to The Pitt Rivers

... a big thanks to Helen and Wez Jacobs and all participants at The Bullpen for the fantastic opportunity to exhibit at the Pitt Rivers Museum (see the 'Exhibitions' section for pictures and info)...

It was great to be able to see one of my pieces displayed in such a fantastic venue.

Talking of exhibitions, I've found out that another of my pieces (a collaborative piece with Allison Baker) is due to be displayed at a hosted auction/exhibition in America... I shall let you know what transpires (keep an eye on the Exhibition section for more news.)

The other bit of gossip is the magazine article about the sign letters I made for Kiss The Frog Again - an article is due to appear in the March edition of Sign And Digital Graphics Magazine -

More info soon!